School Council
Our School Council is made up of pupils who are elected to represent the views of all children within school.
How do you become a school councillor?
Each year, every class in KS2 elects one representatives to become members of the School Council. Before we are chosen each year, the rules and system of voting are shared in a KS2 Assembly.
Any pupil who is interested in becoming a school councillor, prepares a speech, their manifesto, outlining why they feel they would be a good representative for their class. The class will then vote in the school council election and the school councillor is elected.
What do they do?
The school council have a pivotal role in decisions within the school. Where appropriate, the member of SLT will present to the council with an item to consider, the council will then suggest ways of supporting the item. As a council, the Big Question will be generated and the school councillors will take this back to the class and ask their classes to vote. They then return with the outcome and this will inform decisions made with SLT with the provision within school.
School Councillors contribute to meetings with Governors where they feedback to the governing body surrounding curriculum and any other questions posed by the governing body.